Businesses in the Goulburn Mulwaree LGA now have access to tailored support to help them reduce food waste, plastics, and textile waste.
Food businesses in NSW throw away around 30% of their food. That’s a lot of money going into the bin. Now think about all the plastics and textile waste also going to landfill that is costing your business and the planet.
The Bin Trim program is being offered for free to all businesses in the region to help reduce waste and potentially save on disposal costs. This includes an assessment that looks at the types of waste generated by your business and where cost savings could be achieved.
If your business completes a Bin Trim assessment, you may qualify for a rebate to contribute to the cost of purchasing or leasing new equipment that reduces, reuses, or recycle your business waste.
Eligible businesses can apply for a rebate up to a maximum of $50,000 or 50% of the purchase price of equipment.
If you are looking to reduce your waste, reach out to Canberra Region Joint Organisation to find out more or get a FREE Bin Trim waste assessment by emailing Click
here to find our more.