Waste Disposal Weekends

May Disposal Weekend

Bulky Household Recyclables - Mattresses, Whitegoods, E-waste & Scrap Metal

On the first weekend in May each year, Goulburn Mulwaree residents can dispose of up to 2 mattresses/sprung bases (any size), 2 fridges/freezers, 1 air-conditioner, up to 1m3 of e-waste (computers, televisions, printers, fax machines and computer accessories only), and/or up to 2m3 of scrap metal (including electrical appliances with an electrical lead) per property, free of charge at Council's waste centres.

Goulburn Mulwaree residents only. All loads must be transported to one of Council's waste centres. Only domestic items will be accepted - no commercial waste. All waste/items outside of those listed above will be charged the appropriate fee for disposal.

The next May disposal weekend will be held on Saturday 3 and Sunday 4 May 2025, 8am to 4pm at Council's waste centres at Goulburn, Marulan and Tarago.

For further information, contact the Waste Info Line on (02) 4823 4417.

November Disposal Weekend

Bulky Household General Waste

On the first weekend in November each year, Goulburn Mulwaree residents can dispose of up to 2m3 of bulky household general waste (such as household furniture, garden organics, cardboard and scrap metal) per property, free of charge at Council's waste centres.

Goulburn Mulwaree residents only. All loads must be transported to one of Council's waste centres. Excludes hazardous waste such as asbestos, or waste items with a per-item charge at Council's waste centres (e.g. mattresses, fridges, tyres etc.). Only domestic items will be accepted - no commercial waste. All loads must be fully sorted so that recyclables can be placed in the appropriate areas at the waste centre, or charges will apply.

The next November disposal weekend will be held on Saturday 2 and Sunday 3 November 2024, 8am to 4pm at Council's waste centres at Goulburn, Marulan and Tarago.

For further information, contact the Waste Info Line on (02) 4823 4417.