Water & Sewer
The availability of water is essential for the economic and social development of the Goulburn Mulwaree area. Water shapes our population distribution, our quality of life and our culture. It's also intergal to the local environment and ecosystems.
The population and economy of Goulburn Mulwaree continues to grow placing increasing demands on our water supplies. With the addition of the Highland Source Pipeline to our existing Pejar Dam and Sooley Dam sources, we have a long term secure supply that we can grow a thriving community around. This secure supply provides a limit of assurance and security not experienced in our community before, particularly after many years of historical droughts.
Water Services not only manage the storage, treatment and distribution of water in the Goulburn Mulwaree area, we also collect, treat and dispose of wastewater back into the local environment.
We work closely with the local community including schools and business groups to ensure we are continually improving and developing strategies that provide a framework for using and conserving water. We have a dedicated team of office and field staff who ensure our operations are functioning 24 hours of a day 365 days a year.
Water Supply Services
Goulburn Water Reuse Scheme
Sewerage Services
Water & Sewer Construction
Applications & Forms