Exhibition of Planning Proposal - 158 Gorman Road, Goulburn (Lot 11 DP 1044967)
Goulburn Mulwaree Council gives notice of the public exhibition of a Planning Proposal under Schedule 1 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979. This Planning Proposal will amend the Goulburn Mulwaree Local Environmental Plan 2009 (GM LEP) by rezoning land at 158 Gorman Road, Goulburn.

Figure 1
Aerial View of Subject Site
Council is currently seeking to rezone part of 158 Gorman Road, Goulburn within the Gorman Road Precinct of the Urban and Fringe Housing Strategy, to part R5 Large Lot Residential, and amend the minimum lot size. The site comprises one existing lot, being Lot 11 DP 1044967.
The planning proposal is proponent-led and seeks to rezone part of the western side of the land to R5 Large Lot Residential to provide for one additional lot incorporating a minimum lot size of 2 hectares.
The part of the land on the eastern side will retain its current C3 Environmental Management zoning and current 100ha Minimum Lot Size.
Planning Proposal
On 20 February 2024 Council resolved to prepare and forward a planning proposal to the NSW State Government to amend the land use zoning and amend the minimum lot size. A Gateway Determination (approval to proceed to the next steps in the process) was issued to Council on 30 August 2024 by the NSW Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure. This Gateway Determination includes a number of conditions that must be addressed, including government agency and community consultation.
Council has consulted government agencies and is now undertaking community consultation.
The outcomes of this consultation will be reported back to Council for consideration, at which time Council may resolve to proceed, or not proceed with the current Planning Proposal, or proceed with an amended planning proposal. Council aims to complete this planning proposal process by 30 May 2025.
Council is currently the delegated ‘Local Plan Making Authority’ responsible for finalisation of the planning proposal but the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure may determine the planning proposal should there be any outstanding unresolved objections.
Documentation associated with this planning proposal is on Public Exhibition between Tuesday 4 March 2025 to 5:00pm Monday 31 March 2025.
The exhibition documentation can be accessed:
Submissions shall be made in writing during the exhibition period and addressed to the General Manager, including the planning proposal number (Council Ref: REZ/0003/2324), in person at the Civic Centre, 184 Bourke Street, Goulburn, via post to Locked Bag 22, Goulburn, NSW, 2580 or emailed to council@goulburn.nsw.gov.au. Submissions may also be made via the NSW planning portal (REF: PP_2023-2264).
Please note, submissions may be made public in accordance with the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 including both the substance and the identity of the author. Submissions may be provided or published in Council reports and correspondence, on Council’s website, to government agencies, in court proceedings or to any person seeking a copy. The onus is on anyone making a submission to advise if they have made any political donations within the last two (2) years.
Contact Details: If you would like to speak with a Council officer about the proposed amendment, please contact Councils strategic planning team on (02) 4823 4434 during business hours.
Planning Proposal Exhibition Version - 158 Gorman Road(PDF, 21MB)
Appendix 1 - Request for Rezoning Proposal(PDF, 3MB)
Appendix 2 - Concept Subdivision Layout(PDF, 3MB)
Appendix 3a - Council Report 20 February 2024(PDF, 7MB)
Appendix 3b - Council Resolution 20 February 2024(PDF, 660KB)
Appendix 4 - Ecological Impact Assessment(PDF, 49MB)
Appendix 5 - Bushfire Assessment Report (PDF, 6MB)
Appendix 6 - Aboriginal and Historical Cultural Heritage Due Diligence Assessment (PDF, 6MB)
Appendix 7 - Wastewater Management: Site and Soil Evaluation(PDF, 3MB)
Appendix 8a - Preliminary Site Investigation (PSI) (PDF, 10MB)
Appendix 8b - Detailed Site Investigation (DSI) (PDF, 15MB)
Appendix 9 - Environment and Biodiversity Assessment Officer Comments(PDF, 125KB)
Appendix 10a - Flood Data - Velocity and Depth for 0.05% ARI (158 Gorman Road) (not to scale)

Appendix 10b - Flood Data - Velocity and Depth for 1% ARI (158 Gorman Road) (not to scale)

Appendix 10c - Flood Data - Velocity and Depth for PMF (158 Gorman Road) (not to scale)

Appendix 11a - Flood Data - Velocity and Depth for 0.05% ARI (Gorman Road) (not to scale)

Appendix 11b - Flood Data - Velocity and Depth for 1% ARI (Gorman Road) (not to scale)

Appendix 11c Flood Data - Velocity and Depth for PMF (Gorman Road) (not to scale)

Appendix 12 - Flood Impact Risk Assessment (FIRA) (PDF, 14MB)
Appendix 13 - NSW RFS Agency Referral Response(PDF, 364KB)
Appendix 14 - Water NSW Agency Referral Response(PDF, 226KB)
Appendix 15 - DCCEEW and BCS Agency Referral Response(PDF, 1MB)
Appendix 16a - NSW SES Referral Response(PDF, 440KB)
Appendix 16b - Further Consultation NSW SES(PDF, 125KB)
Appendix 17 - 158 Gorman Road - overland flooding affectation of roads(PDF, 968KB)