No longer on display. Expired on
10 October 2024, 05:00 PM
NOTE: The Public Exhibition Period for this Planning Proposal is now CLOSED
Planning Proposal and Land Reclassification – Howard Boulevard Park, 36 Howard Boulevard, Goulburn
Goulburn Mulwaree Council gives notice of the public exhibition of a Planning Proposal under Schedule 1 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979. This Planning Proposal will amend the Goulburn Mulwaree Local Environmental Plan 2009 (GM LEP) by rezoning and reclassifying Howard Boulevard Park, 36 Howard Boulevard (Lot 164 DP 250803), Goulburn.
All public land is required to be classified as either ‘community’ or ‘operational’. Community land, is land that Council makes available for use by the public, for example parks or sportsgrounds. Operational land is land which facilitates the functions of Council and may not be open to the public, for example a works depot or sewerage treatment plant. The classification also determines land management where community land must not be sold, exchanged, or otherwise disposed of by Council. There are no such restrictions on operational land.
Council is currently seeking to rezone and reclassify Howard Boulevard Park, 36 Howard Boulevard (Lot 164 DP 250803), Goulburn. The rezoning and reclassification is intended to allow a land swap with Homes NSW (former NSW Land and Housing Corporation), whereby Council swaps Howard Boulevard Park for a parcel of land owned by NSW Land and Housing Corporation off Gibson Street being Lot 257 DP 749419. The land swap and rezoning would permit social housing development on the Howard Boulevard Park site.
The planning proposal would change the current RE1 Public Recreation zone to R1 General Residential (with an associated 700m2 minimum lot size) and reclassify the site from a ‘community’ to ‘operational’ classification.
Planning Proposal
On 18 June 2024, Council Resolved to forward a ‘planning proposal’ to the NSW Government to allow reclassification of the site following an earlier public hearing in relation to the reclassification of land. A Gateway Determination (approval to proceed to the next steps in the process) was issued to Council on 22 July 2024. This Gateway Determination includes a few conditions that must be addressed, including government agency and community consultation.
Council has consulted government agencies and is now undertaking further community consultation. This consultation will be followed by a second public hearing, which will be facilitated by an independent chairperson and is intended to give the community an opportunity to expand on written submissions and discuss issues with an independent person in a public forum. Council will provide a minimum of 21 days’ notice of the intent to hold the public hearing, which will occur after the public exhibition phase.
The outcomes of this consultation and public hearing will be reported back to Council for consideration, at which time Council may resolve to proceed or not proceed with the current planning proposal, or to proceed with an amended planning proposal. Council aims to complete this planning proposal process by 22 July 2025.
Council is not to be the ‘Local Plan Making Authority’ (responsible for the finalisation of the planning proposal), given the proposal incorporates reclassification of Council owned land. Finalisation of the planning proposal will instead be coordinated by the NSW Government.
Documentation associated with this planning proposal was on public exhibition between Tuesday 10 September 2024 and Thursday 10 October 2024. Please note, the public exhibition period is now closed.
The exhibited documentation can be accessed:
- On Council’s website ( (refer to documents listed below)
Please note, submissions may be made public in accordance with the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 including both the substance and the identity of the author. Submissions may be provided or published in Council reports and correspondence, on Council’s website, to government agencies, in court proceedings or to any person seeking a copy. The onus is on anyone making a submission to advise if they have made any political donations within the last two (2) years.
Public Hearing
A further public hearing, which will be facilitated by an independent chairperson and is intended to give the community an opportunity to expand on written submissions and discuss these issues with an independent person in a public forum is to be held following the public exhibition period closing. Council will provide a minimum 21 days’ notice of the intent to hold the public hearing, which will occur after the exhibition phase.
Contact Details: If you would like to speak with a Council officer about the proposed amendment, please contact Council’s Strategic Planning Team on (02) 4823 4534 during business hours.
Planning Proposal - Exhibition Version(PDF, 3MB)
NSW DPHI Gateway Determination(PDF, 524KB)
Appendix 1 - Council Report and Resolution - 7 March 2023(PDF, 858KB)
Appendix 2 - Council Report, Resolution and Public Hearing Report - 19 December 2023(PDF, 5MB)
Appendix 2a - NSW Certificate of Title (PDF, 34KB)
Appendix 2b- Council Meeting Business Paper and Minutes - 18 June 2024(PDF, 210KB)
Appendix 3 - Council Biodiversity Assessment (PDF, 3MB)
Appendix 4 - Aboriginal Due Diligence Report(PDF, 1MB)
Appendix 5 - Traffic Impact Assessment(PDF, 2MB)
Appendix 6 - WaterNSW Pre-Gateway Advice(PDF, 314KB)
Appendix 7 - PSI Contamination Report (PDF, 13MB)
Post Gateway State Agency Advice - WaterNSW and Homes NSW(PDF, 352KB)