State Environmental Planning Polices (SEPPs) are pieces of legislation prepared by the state government under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979. SEPPs override any existing Council policies or local planning documents, including the Development Control Plan (DCP) and the Local Environmental Plan (LEP) to the extent of any inconsistency. SEPPs may be introduced, amended or removed at any time.
For any given development, a multitude of different SEPP’s may apply. SEPPs can apply to either a particular kind of development and/ or, development occurring in a particular area to which that SEPP applies. SEPP’s often contain additional or alternate requirements, considerations or approval processes for developments to which they apply.
Some of the more commonly referred to SEPPs are listed below (Note: This is not an exhaustive list):
- State Environmental Planning Policy (Exempt and Complying Development Codes) 2008 - Specifies the kinds of development that do not require any approval or certification (exempt development) and the kinds of development that only need to be certified by an accredited certifier (including Council) in order to be approved (complying development).
- State Environmental Planning Policy (Biodiversity and Conservation) 2021 - This SEPP is designed to protect biodiversity values and amenity of non-rural areas through the preservation of trees and other vegetation.
It also outlines that development requiring consent in the Sydney drinking water catchment needs to demonstrate a neutral or beneficial effect on water quality. This catchment covers the vast majority of Goulburn Mulwaree, including all urban areas.
- State Environmental Planning Policy (Sustainable Buildings) 2022 - Requires that development applications and complying developments for dwellings and most kinds of additions or alterations to dwellings be accompanied with a BASIX certification, which requires a minimum level of sustainable design.
- State Environmental Planning Policy (Resilience and Hazards) 2021 - This SEPP outlines the statewide planning approach to remediation of contaminated land.
SEPPs can be found under the Environmental Planning Instrument section (shown as ‘EPI’) on the NSW Legislation website via this link.
Council adopted its Local Strategic Planning Statement for Goulburn Mulwaree on 18 August, 2020.
The Local Strategic Planning Statement (LSPS) sets out the 20 year vision for land-use in the local area with visions, objectives and planning priorities providing the rationale for how land-use decisions will be made to achieve the community’s broader goals.
The LSPS works in concert with regional plans to set out the community’s long-term vision and aspirations for all Council’s planning activities.
The NSW Government requires all councils to prepare and make Local Strategic Planning Statements. LSPSs are also required to meet various statutory requirements of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act, 1979.
Local Strategic Planning Statement Click Here(PDF, 4MB)
The Goulburn Mulwaree Local Environmental Plan 2009 (‘the LEP’) governs zoning and land use planning across the local government area, in addition to several miscellaneous development standards.
The formulation of the LEP largely resulted from the recommendations of the Goulburn Mulwaree Strategy 2020 (Adopted 20 February 2009). Since the LEP’s inception on 20 February 2009, other plans and strategies have informed further amendments to the LEP. To ensure that the most up to date version is used, the LEP should only be accessed via the NSW Legislation website.
Amending the LEP requires the submission of a ‘Planning Proposal’, in which the proponent must justify that the amendment is compliant with both Councils plans and strategies as well as the requirements put forward by the Minister of Planning in the ‘s9.1 Directions’. Information and guidance resources to preparing planning proposals and amending the LEP can be found in the Strategic Planning Toolkit on the on the NSW Planning webpage here.
Note: NSW DPHI Employment Zones Reforms - as of 26 April 2023, references to a Business Zone B2, B3, B4 or B6 or an Industrial Zone IN1, IN2, or IN3 in a document should be taken to be a reference to an Employment Zone E1, E2, E3, E4 or E5 or a Mixed Use Zone MU1. For further information please see State Environmental Planning Policy Amendment (Land Use Zones) (No 4) 2022 published on the NSW legislation web site on 16 December, 2022 (2022 No 830) for specific amendments to the Goulburn Mulwaree Local Environmental Plan 2009.
The following table provides the new zone name:
Former name
New name
Zone B2 – Local Centre
Zone E1 – Local Centre
Zone B3 – Commercial Core
Zone E2 – Commercial Centre
Zone B6 – Enterprise Corridor
Zone E3 – Productivity Support
Zone IN1 – General Industrial
Zone IN2 – Light Industrial
Zone E4 – General Industrial
Note: this is a combination of the former IN1 and IN2 zones.
Zone IN3 – Heavy Industrial
Zone E5- Heavy Industrial
Zone B4 – Mixed Use
Zone MU1- Mixed Use
Note: As of 1 December 2021, a reference to an Environment Protection zone E1, E2, E3 or E4 in a document should be taken to be a reference to a Conservation zone C1, C2, C3 or C4. For further information please see Standard Instrument (Local Environmental Plans) Amendment (Land Use Zones) Order 2021 (
The following table provides the new zone name:
Former name
New name
Zone E1 – National Parks and Nature Reserves
Zone C1 – National Parks and Nature Reserves
Zone E2 – Environmental Conservation
Zone C2 – Environmental Conservation
Zone E3 – Environmental Management
Zone C3 – Environmental Management
Zone E4 – Environmental Living
Zone C4 – Environmental Living
Goulburn Mulwaree Local Environment Plan 2009
View LEP Maps
Planning Proposals
A Planning Proposal (PP) is a document that explains the intended effect of, and justification for, a proposed change to the Goulburn Mulwaree Local Environmental Plan (GMLEP) 2009. A PP is the process undertaken to effect a change to the GM LEP 2009 such as a change to a land use zone or rezoning, heritage listing, clauses, maps etc. Planning Proposals are a strategic process and must provide a strategic context for change.
An applicant or consultant can prepare a PP and submit it to Council via the NSW Planning Portal (fees apply) and Council may also initiate planning proposals. However, Council and the NSW Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure (DPHI) must endorse a Planning Proposal for it to take effect.
If you plan to prepare a Planning Proposal (PP), you should:
- Consult the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure's Local Environmental Plan Making Guideline;
- Attend a required pre-lodgement meeting with Council's Strategic Planning team; and then,
- Lodge the planning proposal via the NSW Planning Portal (State requirement from 8 February 2021 onwards)
Council will issue an invoice for the commencement fee following the lodgement of the Planning Proposal on the NSW Planning Portal.
Council owns all Planning Proposals (PPs), including those initiated and funded by proponents. Should Council decide to progress the PP, the process and proposed outcomes will be managed and controlled by Council.
Council will determine the outcomes sought by the PP, taking into consideration relevant factors such as technical studies, input from Government agencies, and community feedback. The proponent’s PP report will be used as a guide for preparing Council’s PP, which may differ depending on what Council is prepared to support e.g. Council may not seek to increase the height of buildings to the extent sought by a proponent if it considers the requested height to be excessive or out of character with the area.
Council has prepared a guide for the preparation of PPs which should be read in conjunction with the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure guides to preparing PPs and amending a LEP provided below:
Council's Planning Proposal Guide Click Here(PDF, 1MB)
DPHI Local Environmental Plan Making Guideline Click Here
NSW DPHI Strategic Planning Toolkit Click Here
The Goulburn Mulwaree Development Control Plan 2009 (‘the DCP’) contains development controls that development applications must adhere to or address. In addition, the DCP also contains controls relating to the removal of vegetation in an urban zone, whether or not a development application is required.
The original DCP came into force on 20 February 2009. The DCP has since been amended multiple times, with the latest amendment taking effect on 23rd September 2022. Refer to the version table contained with the full document for the most recent amendments or contact Council using the details at the bottom of the page to find out more information.
To ensure that the most up to date version is used, the DCP should only be accessed through the links below. Alternatively, a hard copy of the DCP can be viewed or purchased at the Customer Service Counter at Council’s Civic Centre, 184-194 Bourke Street, Goulburn.
Note: Notification and advertising requirements have been superseded and moved to Council’s Community Participation Plan, available here.
Note: Commencement of Goulburn Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan 2022 and Amendment to Chapter 3.8 "Flood Affected Land', in the Goulburn Mulwaree Development Control Plan 2009 will be effective from Friday 23 September 2022.
Amended DCP Chapter 3.8 Flood Affect Land(PDF, 480KB)
DCP Appendix J - Flood Policy (PDF, 1006KB)
Goulburn Mulwaree Development Control Plan 2009 (In Parts)
Part 1 Preliminary Click Here(PDF, 427KB)
Part 2 Plan Objectives Click Here (PDF, 1MB)
Part 3 General Development Controls Click Here(PDF, 5MB)
Part 4 Principal Development Controls - Urban Click Here(PDF, 1MB)
Part 5 Principal Development Controls - Rural Click Here(PDF, 517KB)
Part 6 Special Development Types Click Here(PDF, 862KB)
Part 7 Engineering Requirements Click Here(PDF, 343KB)
Part 8 Site Specific Provisions Click here(PDF, 16MB)
Appendix A Criteria for the Assessment of Heritage Significance of Aboriginal Sites Click Here(PDF, 385KB)
Appendix B Preferred Planting Species Click Here(PDF, 232KB)
Appendix C Not in Use
Appendix D Development Application Checklist Click Here(PDF, 248KB)
Appendix E Not in Use
Appendix F Telecommunications Policy Click Here(PDF, 189KB)
Appendix G Landscape Policy: Site analysis, Preparing a Landscape Plan Click Here(PDF, 1MB)
Appendix H Heritage Impact Statement Requirements Click Here(PDF, 166KB)
Appendix I Goulburn Mulwaree Good Design Statement 2005 Click Here(PDF, 748KB)
Appendix J Flood Policy Click Here(PDF, 1MB)
Goulburn Mulwaree Development Control Plan 2009 (Whole Document)
DCP Whole Document 20MB Click Here(PDF, 26MB)
The Community Participation Plan (CPP) details how Council will engage the community on strategic planning and development assessment matters. The CPP includes the notification and advertising requirements for planning proposals, amendments to the Development Control Plan (DCP), and different development assessment types. The CPP supersedes and replaces any requirements previously located in the Goulburn Mulwaree Development Control Plan 2009.
Note: This is not Council’s overarching community engagement strategy. Council’s Community Engagement Strategy fulfils this function and is located under the Other Plans, Studies and Strategies section of this website (formerly know as the Integrated Planning & Reporting page).
Community Participation Plan(PDF, 1MB)
Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan 2021 (LICP) (s7.11 & 7.12 Plan)
Council at its meeting on 16 March, 2021, resolved to:
- Adopt the Goulburn Mulwaree Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan 2021; and
- Repeal the existing Goulburn Mulwaree Section 94 Contributions Plan 2009 and the Goulburn Mulwaree 94A Levy Contributions Plan 2009 upon commencement of the Goulburn Mulwaree Contributions Plan 2021 on 1 June 2021.
The new Goulburn Mulwaree Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan 2021 came into effect on 1 June 2021, and repealed the Goulburn Mulwaree Section 94 Contributions Plan 2009 and the Goulburn Mulwaree 94A Levy Contributions Plan 2009.
All development applications (DAs) or complying development certificates (CDCs) which have been lodged but not determined from 1 June 2021 are subject to the rates specified in the new plan.*
The new plan does not affect development consents applying to land in the Goulburn Mulwaree local government area containing conditions requiring contributions or levies under the plans which have been repealed.
The Goulburn Mulwaree local government area (LGA) currently has a population of approximately 32,000 people. Future residential development in the area over the next 16 years is expected to accommodate between 5,000 – 7,000 additional residents. The plan will generally apply a mix of s.7.11 contributions for new residential development that has an increased demand, and a 1% s.7.12 levy for all other development with a cost greater than $200,000. Development involving increased heavy vehicle movements on local and regional roads will continue to be charged a levy under Section 7.11 based on total material to be hauled and the length of the roads used.
The plan draws upon existing Council policies and will provide valuable income for Council to meet the growing needs and changing demographics of the community. It is expected that approximately $51 million will be raised over the life of the plan and will be used to service almost a quarter of the $203 million works program identified in the plan. Items on the works program relate to significant contributions to public domain areas, open space and recreation facilities, active transport and community facilities. This will enable Council to provide an important income stream to assist with the delivery of local infrastructure to meet growth in the community.
A copy of the report to Council dated 16 March, 2021 (including resolution) and a copy of the new plan are available below:
Council Report 16 March 2021(PDF, 3MB)
Council Resolution 16 March 2021(PDF, 335KB)
GM LICP 2021(PDF, 10MB)
Current Contributions Rates Indexed LICP December 2024(PDF, 121KB)
Indexation of Contribution Rates
Council at its meeting on 20 September 2022 resolved to adopt an amendment to the Goulburn Mulwaree Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan (LICP) 2021 and to the Fees and Charges. The amendment applies to the adjustment of contribution rates and payments in relation to the Consumer Price Index (CPI) and Producer Price Index (PPI). This adjustment is currently specified as an annual adjustment but will be amended to a quarterly adjustment commencing from 30th October 2022. The annually adjusted contributions are currently published in Council’s Fees and Charges. It is proposed that the Fees and Charges be amended to refer to the LICP for contribution rates as the Fees and Charges would otherwise require quarterly updates to be exhibited and adopted also.
Development Servicing Plans - Water Supply, Sewerage and Stormwater - S64 Contributions Plans
There are two Development Servicing Plans applicable in the Goulburn Mulwaree Local Government area:
- Development Servicing Plan for Water Supply, Sewerage and Stormwater (DSP) 2017; and
- Development Servicing Plan Goulburn - Stormwater (DSP Goulburn Stormwater) 2021.
The current Development Servicing Plan for Water Supply, Sewerage and Stormwater (DSP) charges were adopted by Council resolution on the 8th November 2017. The points below indicate when the current DSP applies:
- The current DSP charges will apply to all Development Applications (DA’s) received after the Council adoption date of the new DSP (8 November 2017).
- The previous DSP charges apply for all DA's received prior to the adoption of the current DSP, provided that the DSP charges were paid for in the 17/18 financial year. If the DSP charges are paid after 30 June 2018, charges under the current DSP apply.
- DSP charges applicable under the current plan will apply to all DA's with existing Section 306 conditions if they were not paid in the 17/18 financial year.
The current DSP charges will increase in accordance with the Consumer Price Index (CPI) each financial year until the plan is reviewed and any new charges are adopted by Council.
The Development Servicing Plan Goulburn – Stormwater (DSP Goulburn Stormwater) charges were adopted by Council resolution on 15 June 2021 with a commencement date of 1 July 2021. These DSP Goulburn Stormwater charges will apply to all Development Applications and Complying Development Certificates lodged after 1 July 2021.
The DSP Goulburn Stormwater charges will increase in accordance with the Consumer Price Index (CPI) each financial year until the plan is reviewed and any new charges are adopted by Council.
Development Servicing Plan for Water Supply, Sewerage and Stormwater Click Here(PDF, 11MB)
Development Servicing Plan for Development Servicing Plan Goulburn - Stormwater Click Here(PDF, 12MB)
Supporting stormwater plans are available below:
Water Sensitive Urban Design Report - Clyde Street Click Here(PDF, 2MB)
Water Sensitive Urban Drainage Report - Common Street Click Here(PDF, 903KB)
Drawings - Common Street Click Here(PDF, 1MB)
Water Sensitive Urban Design Report - Ducks Lane Click Here(PDF, 937KB)
Drawings - Ducks Lane Click Here(PDF, 174KB)
Water Sensitive Urban Design Report - Marys Mount Click Here(PDF, 624KB)
Drainage Corridors Vegetation Management Plan - Marys Mount Click Here(PDF, 2MB)
Drawings - Marys Mount Click Here(PDF, 1MB)
Stormwater Master Plan - Marulan Click Here(PDF, 2MB)
Mary's Mount Drainage Corridors Stream Management Guidelines Click Here(PDF, 1MB)
Contact Details
Utilities Directorate
Phone: 02 4823 4444
Former s7.11 & s7.12 Contributions Plans (Prev. s94 & 94a)
A section 7.11 or 7.12 contributions plan enables a council to require a developer to make a contribution towards the provision, extension or augmentation of public infrastructure, amenities and services that will, or are likely to be, required as a consequence of certain development. These plans are prepared in accordance with what is now section 7.11 and 7.12 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (EP&A Act)(previously sections 94 and 94a).
Prior to the adoption of the Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan 2021, two (2) contributions plans applied in the Goulburn Mulwaree local government area from 2009:
- The Goulburn Mulwaree Section 94 Development Contributions Plan 2009, was prepared in accordance with what is now s7.11 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979. This plan applied to the Marys Mount Urban Release Area, the Clyde Street development area to the north-west of Goulburn, the Ducks Lane area to the south-west of Goulburn, the Common Street Business Park to the north-east of Goulburn, all extractive industries and other development involving heavy vehicle traffic movement.
- The Section 94A Levy Development Contributions Plan 2009, was prepared in accordance with what is now s7.12 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979. This plan applied to all other development that is not subject to the Goulburn Mulwaree Section 94 Development Contributions Plan 2009.
- Contribution payments can only be made with a Summary of Charges that is within the current financial year. Payments are to be made in line with the imposed condition on the Notice of Determination. For s7.12 (94a) contributions this requires submission of a Cost Summary Report or a registered Quantity Surveyor’s detailed cost report. Templates are available below:
S7.12 Contributions Cost Summary Report Template(PDF, 83KB)
S7.12 Contributions Registered Quantity Surveyor’s Detailed Cost Report Template(PDF, 85KB)
Amendment No. 3 (to former GM s94 Development Contribution Plan 2009)
On the 7 June 2016, Council approved s94 Amendment No. 3 which became effective on 23 June 2016. The purpose of Amendment No. 3 was to amend Goulburn Mulwaree Section 94 Contributions Plan 2009 to:
- Update the cents per tonne per kilometre rate for heavy haulage development to 4.62 cents.
- Specify that the indexation of contributions for heavy haulage development is to be based on the Producer Price Index.
- Specify that contributions for heavy haulage development can be levied on the basis of either the mass of haulage material (in tonnes) transported to or from the site (where verifiable tonnage receipts can be provided) or the number of laden equivalent standard axles (ESAs) generated by the development.
- Make minor corrections and administrative changes
Goulburn Mulwaree Section 94 Development Contributions Plan 2009 Click Here(PDF, 2MB)
Section 94A Levy Development Contributions Plan 2009 Click Here(PDF, 572KB)
PA Register
The Planning Agreements register contains copies of all executed PAs entered into by Council.
PA Register
Engineering Requirements
Standards for Engineering Works can be accessed via the following links. On 3 August 2021 the Council adopted a variation to some of the roads widths displayed in Table D.1.5A of the Design Specifications.
Construction Specifications(PDF, 6MB)
Preface and Supplementary Notes(PDF, 210KB)
Standard Drawings(PDF, 4MB)
Water and Sewer Standards
Design Specifications(PDF, 958KB)
Adopted changes to road widths Table D.1.5A(PDF, 2MB)
Council Policies
Council's Policies can be accessed via the link below.
Council Policies
South East and Tablelands Regional Plan 2036
The South East and Tablelands Regional Plan 2036 is the NSW Government’s 20-year blueprint for the future of the South East and Tablelands region of NSW. This plan acts as the overarching strategic plan for the region, guiding the implementation of Local Strategic Planning Statements and the assessment of planning proposals such as rezoning’s as well as supporting key infrastructure and policy priorities for the region.
The South East and Tablelands Regional Plan 2036 supersedes the previous Sydney-to-Canberra Corridor Regional Strategy.
The plan can be accessed using the link below
The South East and Tablelands Regional Plan 2036
Southern Tablelands Regional Economic Development Strategy
The Southern Tablelands Regional Economic Development Strategy 2018–2022 sets out a long term economic vision and associated strategy for the three (3) local government areas of Goulburn Mulwaree, Upper Lachlan Shire and Yass Valley.
The 2023 REDS Update provides an updated evidence base to guide governments in making policy and investment decisions to enhance resilience and drive sustainable, long-term economic growth in regional NSW.
Southern Tablelands Regional Economic Development Plan 2018 Click Here(PDF, 6MB)
Southern Tablelands Regional Economic Development Plan 2023 Update Click Here(PDF, 6MB)
Southern Tablelands REDS Supporting Analysis Click Here(PDF, 19MB)
Urban and Fringe Housing Strategy
Elton Consulting were engaged by Goulburn Mulwaree Council to prepare a strategy to investigate and identify areas suitable for the provision of additional housing to assist Goulburn Mulwaree Council (Council) meet the housing demands generated by expected continued population growth. The Strategy has been prepared in response to both the limited supply of residential land available to meet the short and medium term needs of the community and the directions of the South East and Tablelands Regional Plan 2036.
The scope of the Strategy included looking at the urban areas of Goulburn and Marulan, opportunities for an additional recommended 3,500 dwellings identified over the next 18 years to 2036, and further land potentially suitable for residential development post 2036. The Urban and Fringe Housing Strategy was adopted by Council on the 21 July 2020 and was conditionally endorsed by the NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (DPIE) on 20 November, 2020.
The Strategy in general has been endorsed by DPIE with the exception of those large lot rural residential opportunity sites added post public exhibition in the Sooley and Marulan East Precincts (Council Resolution 2020/224 and 2020/261). The exclusion of these areas is identified as being due to the need for further assessment of the environmental and other constraints in order to demonstrate the suitability of these areas for urban development. DPIE has advised, however, that Council can consider undertaking further strategic planning for these sites in consultation with the community and agencies to address constraints.
Urban and Fringe Housing Strategy Click Here(PDF, 53MB)
Consultation Report Click Here(PDF, 133MB)
DPIE Endorsement Letter Click Here(PDF, 109KB)
Council sought DPIE’s reconsideration of its exclusion of the northern section of the Sooley Precinct from its original endorsement of the Strategy (Council Resolution 2021/306 - 20 July, 2021). DPIE has subsequently issued its endorsement of the large lot residential component (northern section) of the Sooley Precinct.
DPIE Endorsement Letter - Northern Sooley Precinct Click Here(PDF, 80KB)
Tarago Village Housing Strategy
Goulburn Mulwaree Council prepared the Tarago Village Housing Strategy to investigate and identify areas suitable for the provision of additional housing to meet the housing demands generated by expected continued population growth. The Strategy has been prepared in response to both the limited supply of residential land available to meet the short and medium term needs of the community.
The scope of the Strategy included looking at the expansion of the RU5 Village zone and opportunities for additional density within the existing RU5 Village zone area. The Strategy does not actually rezone land but identifies suitable locations to consider for future planning proposals for the rezoning of land or reduction of minimum lot sizes.
The Strategy assessed the capacity for village growth against various environmental factors and was adopted by Council on 21 June 2022.
Council Report/ Resolution and Strategy - Click Here
Adopted Tarago Village Housing Strategy - Click Here(PDF, 8MB)
Goulburn Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan 2022
The Goulburn Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan (GFRMSP) 2022 was prepared for Council by GRC Hydro and was adopted on 16 August 2022. Goulburn is located at the confluence of the Wollondilly River and the Mulwaree River and has experienced a number of major flood events since settlement. This study comprises a flood study revision (from the 2016 study), Floodplain Risk Management Study (FRMS) and Floodplain Risk Management Plan (FRMP) which are consistent with the NSW Government’s Floodplain Development Manual (FDM, 2005).
The objective of this Study is to improve the understanding of Wollondilly and Mulwaree Rivers’ flood behaviour and flood impacts on the existing and future community. This Study has undertaken testing and investigation of practical, feasible and economic management measures to treat existing, future and feasible risk (including consideration of the impact of climate change). The FRMS provides a basis for informing the development of the FRMP which documents and conveys the decisions on the management of flood risk into the future.
A full copy of the GFRMSP is available on the NSW Flood Data Portal (including the models), for flood consultants seeking access to modelling it is recommended that it be through the NSW Flood Data Portal which is free of charge.
The Goulburn Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan 2022 supersedes the Wollondilly River and Mulwaree Chain-of-Ponds Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan 2003 and the Wollondilly and Mulwaree Rivers Flood Study 2016.
The GFRMSP and associated new Development Control Plan Chapter 3.8 Flood Affected Lands commenced on Friday 23 September, 2022.
Council Report - 16 August 2022(PDF, 434KB)
Council Resolution - 16 August 2022(PDF, 12KB)
Business paper Enclosure - Adopted GFRMSP 2022(PDF, 38MB)
Goulburn Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan 2022(PDF, 18MB)
Amended DCP Chapter 3.8 Flood Affected Land(PDF, 480KB)
DCP Appendix J - Flood Policy (PDF, 1006KB)
Goulburn Overland Flow Mapping 2022
In addition to the Goulburn Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan (GFRMSP) 2022 which was adopted on 16 August 2022. Goulburn Mulwaree Council engaged GRC Hydro to undertake some diagnostic or preliminary mapping of overland flows outside the GFRMSP study area which focused on the rivers and major tributaries. The intention of this mapping is to highlight areas which may be subject to significant overland flows and to ensure appropriate follow up assessment of any associated risk is undertaken in accordance with provisions of the Goulburn Mulwaree Development Control plan 2009 – Chapter 3.8 Flood Affected Lands and in Council’s strategic planning.
The GFRMSP 2022 adopted on 16 August, 2022 and commences on 23 September, 2022 and includes a recommendation to undertake a further Overland Flow Flood and Flood Risk Management Study for Goulburn which once completed will enable modelling of the flows to be provided.
The maps have been compiled using the Flood Planning Constraint Category (FPCC) approach as per the Flood Policy in Appendix H of the Goulburn Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan (GFRMSP) 2022.
Flood Planning Constraint Category - Overland Flow Map(PDF, 36MB)
Marulan Flood Study 2023
The Marulan Flood Study 2023 was adopted by Council on Tuesday 20 June 2023, with a commencement date of Tuesday 1 August 2023. The Flood Study will initially be available on Council’s web site and subsequently on the SES Flood Data Portal.
From 1 August 2023, flood certificates and Section 10.7 planning certificates will include the Marulan flood data (as applicable). The Flood Study applies an interim flood planning area (FPA) (being 0.5m freeboard above the 1% Annual Exceedance Probability (AEP) event).
Please note that the next phase of the process is the development of the Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan, this will identify mitigation measures through policy or physical works etc. This would include identifying the flood planning constraint categories (FPCCs) and also a final freeboard for the FPA.
A copy of the adopted report, business paper, and council meeting minutes can be found through the below links.
Marulan Flood Study 2023(PDF, 401MB)
Council Meeting Business Paper(PDF, 2MB)
Council Meeting Business Paper Enclosure(PDF, 193MB)
Council Meeting Minutes(PDF, 644KB)
Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan 2003 (Superseded)
The Wollondilly River and Mulwaree Chain-of-Ponds Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan was carried out for Council in 2003 by SMEC. Goulburn has since experienced major flood events in June 2007, December 2010 and March 2012.
The Wollondilly River and Mulwaree Chain-of-Ponds Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan was the former study used for the purposes of flood planning. Council adopted the 2016 Wollondilly and Mulwaree Rivers Flood Study which included updates to the modelling of flooding extents. The 2003 and 2016 flood studies have both been superseded by the Goulburn Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan 2022.
The Study and Plan is available in four (4) volumes via the links below.
Volume 1 Floodplain Risk Management Study Executive Summary and Report Click Here(PDF, 5MB)
Volume 2 Appendices and Drawings Click Here(PDF, 2MB)
Volume 3 Floodplain Risk Management Study Click Here(PDF, 2MB)
Volume 4 Draft Native Vegetation Enhancement Strategy Click Here(PDF, 2MB)
Flood Study 2016 (Superseded)
The Wollondilly and Mulwaree Rivers Flood Study study was completed in 2016 by WMA Water. Goulburn has experienced a number of major flood events following the adoption of the 2003 Wollondilly River and Mulwaree Chain-of-Ponds Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan, the 2016 flood study included the data from these flood events.
The 2003 Wollondilly River and Mulwaree Chain-of-Ponds Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan has now been replaced by the Goulburn Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan 2022.
The flood study is available below:
Goulburn Flood Study - Final Report Click Here(PDF, 37MB)
Bush Fire Prone Land Map 2024
The Bush fire Prone Land Map is prepared by the NSW Rural Fire Service in consultation with local councils. The NSW RFS Commissioner certified the Goulburn Mulwaree Council Bushfire Prone Land Map on the 14 November 2024, replacing the 2019 Bushfire Prone Land Map.
The data is now available on the NSW Rural Fire Service Website and the NSW Planning Portal Spatial Viewer.
To check if your property is located in bush fire prone land click here.
Alternatively, the information can also be accessed via the NSW Planning Portal Spatial Viewer. Click here.
Contact Details
Development Control
Phone: 02 4823 4444
Strategic Bushfire Study (Residential Development)
The Residential Settlement Strategic Bushfire Study was prepared for Council by Eco Logical Australia and was adopted on 20 February 2024.
The objective of this Study is to determine whether there is any impediment due to bushfire risk hazard, to increasing populations in the towns and villages in Goulburn Mulwaree LGA. The Study has considered both the Urban and Fringe Housing Strategy (UFHS) opportunity areas (in Goulburn and Marulan) as well as the following villages which have an existing RU5 Village Zone: Bungonia, Tallong, Tarago, Lake Bathurst, and Towrang.
It is important to note that this study is only considering bushfire hazard and risk to each area in the absence of other important planning considerations such as water/sewer servicing, flooding, biodiversity, heritage, feasibility of access etc.
Test sites for villages used in the Study generally considered existing areas of RU6 Transition zoned land, noting that these areas have not had other assessment for suitability for residential expansion to date. The identification of this land for this study does not imply future residential expansion into these areas, nor is it intended to suggest any overall development potential.
Council Meeting Business Paper(PDF, 1MB)
Council Meeting Business Paper Enclosure - Strategic Bushfire Study (PDF, 15MB)
Council Meeting Minutes(PDF, 688KB)
Goulburn Mulwaree Residential Settlement Strategic Bushfire Study(PDF, 15MB)
Biodiversity Strategy
The Goulburn Mulwaree Biodiversity Strategy presents an outline of biodiversity within the Goulburn Mulwaree local government area and provides an overview of areas of high conservation value. The strategy also suggests actions for maintaining or improving the biodiversity within the LGA.
The strategy and associated documents can be viewed via the following links:
Goulburn Mulwaree Biodiversity Strategy Click Here(PDF, 1021KB)
Appendices 1 Click Here(PDF, 268KB)
Appendices 2 Click Here(PDF, 213KB)
Mountain Ash Road Flora Fliers
Mountain Ash Road Flora - Flier 1 Click Here(PDF, 777KB)
Mountain Ash Road Flora - Flier 2 Click Here(PDF, 857KB)
Mountain Ash Road Flora - Flier 3 Click Here(PDF, 968KB)
Mountain Ash Road Flora - Flier 4 Click Here(PDF, 749KB)
Pre 1750 & Current Vegetation Formations Click Here(PDF, 7MB)
Threatened Species Potential Habitat Report - Tallong Village Click Here(PDF, 614KB)
Tallong Midge Orchid Habitat(PDF, 405KB)
South Goulburn Endangered/Threatened Species Management Plan
The South Goulburn Endangered/Threatened Species Management Plan was prepared and adopted in 2004 for the purposes of:
- Identifying locations of threatened or endangered vegetation in the South Goulburn area.
- Determining the relative significance of vegetation stands.
- Examining existing land use patterns and committed development as they relate to remnant vegetation.
- Developing an approach to balance the competing objectives of vegetation preservation and development expectations.
- Seeking endorsement from NPWS and landowners as a framework for assessing future development proposals and ongoing land management for vegetation preservation.
South Goulburn Endangered/Threatened Species Management Plan Click Here(PDF, 5MB)
This plan was reviewed in 2022-2023, with the reviewed document adopted by Council on 16 May 2023. The Council report, meeting minutes, and adopted review can be accessed below.
Council Meeting Business Paper - 16 May 2023(PDF, 1MB)
Council Meeting Business Paper Enclosure - 16 May 2023(PDF, 36MB)
Council Meeting Minutes - 16 May 2023(PDF, 633KB)
South Goulburn Threatened Species Management Plan Review(PDF, 35MB)
Goulburn Mulwaree Waterways Plan
The Goulburn Mulwaree Waterways Plan was completed with assistance from Council’s Sustainability Committee. The Waterways Plan recognises the benefit of healthy, attractive and sustainably managed waterways.
Goulburn Mulwaree Waterways Plan Click Here(PDF, 2MB)
Lake Bathurst and the Morass Wetland Management Plan
In 2008 the Hawkes Nepean Catchment Management Authority (as it was then known) developed the Lake Bathurst and the Morass Wetland Management Plan together with WetlandCare Australia. The Wetland Management Plan aims to maintain and rehabilitate wetland habitat in Lake Bathurst and The Morass through management of threats and protection of assets, to provide a high value wetland for sustainable use by local landholders and the community.
Lake Bathurst and the Morass Wetland Management Plan Click Here(PDF, 867KB)
CBD and Surrounds Transformation Project
The CBD & Surrounds Transformation Project was first presented to Councillors at the Council Meeting held on the 18 June 2024.
Council Meeting Business Paper(PDF, 3MB)
Council Meeting Minutes(PDF, 12KB)
The CBD & Surrounds Transformation Project is an on-going, Council-led strategic project to facilitate the delivery of medium density housing options within and surrounding Goulburn Central Business District whilst balancing growth with the area’s historic significance.
The Project Area includes the following areas, identified in the figure below:
- The CBD Core (Goulburn Central)
- The Northern Gateway Precinct
- The Southern Gateway Precinct
- The Mixed Use Edge
The aims of the project include:
Density- Enabling an increase in residential density in and around Goulburn CBD as the most sustainable location in Goulburn Mulwaree which provides opportunities to reduce the need for the private car and makes more effective use of existing infrastructure.
Diversity- Encouraging a greater diversity of housing to provide a range of housing types with a particular focus on the delivery of smaller 1 and 2 bedroom accommodation. This seeks to rebalance current housing stock which predominantly comprises 3 and 4 bedroom single family homes.
Affordability- Facilitate the provision of accommodation which is more affordable particularly through the provision of smaller accommodation types. Affordability is currently worsened by accommodation options which don’t meet the needs of current and future residents.
Vibrancy and Vitality- Accelerate an increased residential presence within and surrounding Goulburn CBD to increase footfall and general activity levels on the streets of the CBD thereby encouraging a vibrant CBD both in the day and evening.
Balance- Maintaining the historic significance and character of the Goulburn City Heritage Conservation Area whilst balancing increased residential density.
What changes are proposed?
- Land use zoning changes in the Gateway precincts and Mixed Use Edge
- Height of Building limits in all precincts
- Floor Space Ratio limits in all precincts
- Minimum Lot Size restrictions in the Gateway precincts and Mixed Use Edge
- Introduction of a CBD & Surrounds Development Control Plan Chapter
The above changes to land use zoning, height of building, floor space ratio and minimum lot size all require an amendment to the Goulburn Mulwaree Local Environmental Plan. These changes can only be made via a planning proposal which is State-prescribed and legal process.
Progress to Date
The Project is in the early stages of development with refinement of existing evidence, the preparation of technical evidence and extensive additional consultation with the public and stakeholders is still required before the project can progress to the Gateway stage.
The below figure illustrates the process flow and progress on the project to date.
Evidence Gathered to Date
A series of evidence gathering documents have been produced by the Strategic Planning Team to provide a basis and justification for the proposed changes and assist in achieving a balance between growth and historic significance.
The following is a list of documents produced or updated to support the CBD and Surrounds Transformation Project.
- Draft CBD & Surrounds Precinct Specific DCP(PDF, 4MB)
- Demographic Analysis(PDF, 684KB)
- Draft Analysis of Place(PDF, 6MB)
- Residential Heritage Colour Guide(PDF, 2MB)
- Annotated Proposed CBD Core Height of Building Map- June 2024(PDF, 300KB)
- Permissible Zone Diagram(PDF, 151KB)
- Draft Current & Proposed Land Use & Zonings- June 2024(PDF, 47MB)
- CBD & Surrounds Transformation Survey Response Report- May 2024(PDF, 250KB)
- Draft Conservation Area Catalogue(PDF, 411MB)
- Draft Northern Gateway Character Assessment(PDF, 33MB)
- Draft Southern Gateway Character Assessment(PDF, 25MB)
- Building Style & Era Mapping- Northern & Southern Gateway Precinct- June 2024(PDF, 2MB)
- Draft Materials & Feature Assignment- Northern & Southern Gateway Precinct- June 2024(PDF, 1MB)
- Draft Tailored Street setbacks- Northern & Southern Gateway Precinct(PDF, 2MB)
- Draft Tailored Street setbacks- CBD Core(PDF, 2MB)
- Draft Goulburn Shop Fronts Inventory(PDF, 4MB)
- Draft Main Street Study Update(PDF, 328MB)
- CBD Use Map(PDF, 2MB)
- CBD Massing Study Report(PDF, 13MB)
- CBD Massing Study Maps & Montages(PDF, 93MB)
All documents identified as Draft are working drafts and subject to change and refinement over the course of the Project.
CBD Master Plan
EDAW in partnership with AECOM were engaged by Council to develop a masterplan for Goulburn’s Central Business District (CBD) in 2008.
The preparation of the CBD Masterplan was guided by a Working Party comprising Councillors and representatives from the Chamber of Commerce, Goulburn Heritage Group and landowners.
The CBD Masterplan was developed around the following eight principles:
- Economic viability
- Social values
- Heritage values
- Urban structure
- Views and vistas
- Built form
- Landscape setting +public domain
- Access + movement
Contact Details
Strategic Planning
Phone: 02 4823 4444
CBD Master Plan - Part 1 Click Here(PDF, 13MB)
CBD Master Plan - Part 2 Click Here(PDF, 12MB)
Traffic Study Click Here(PDF, 2MB)
Economic Assessment Click Here(PDF, 1MB)
Heritage Report Click Here(PDF, 3MB)
Interim Report 1 Click Here(PDF, 14MB)
Adopted Work Program - 17 November 2009 (Revised) Click Here(PDF, 64KB)
Central Business District Parking Surveys
Goulburn Mulwaree Council has prepared two Central Business District Parking Surveys, one in December 2020 and an interim report in June 2022. These surveys provide a technical evidence base to inform decision-making and policy formulation.
The December 2020 Parking survey examined the overall parking capacity and occupancy rate of all existing on-street parking and council car parks within the E2 Commercial Core area. The survey was undertaken by a senior Strategic Planner between 21st November and 13th December 2020 during mornings, afternoons and evenings.
The June 2022 Interim Parking survey serves as an addendum to the previous and more comprehensive December 2020 parking survey. The interim survey was confined to the occupancy rate of all existing on-street parking on Auburn Street only and council car parks within the E2 Commercial Core. Despite the smaller study area the interim survey provided an opportunity to undertake a comparative analysis between the two datasets. This accounted for the post-Covid lockdown period and the impact of new development such as the opening of the Goulburn Performing Arts Centre and the Marima Medical Clinic relocation on parking occupancy levels on Auburn Street. The survey was undertaken by a senior strategic planner between 30th May 2022 and 5th June 2022 during mornings, afternoons and evenings.
Parking Survey December 2020(PDF, 4MB)
Parking Survey - Interim Update June 2022(PDF, 13MB)
Council Meeting Agenda(PDF, 544KB)
Council Meeting Minutes(PDF, 52KB)
CBD Health Check 2023
The Goulburn CBD Health Check 2023 was adopted by Council at the meeting held on 19th December 2023. The Health Check is an evidence base document to inform future strategic decision making and determine Council’s progress in meeting the strategic aims of the Local Strategic Planning Statement.
The Health Check is a data-driven report which primarily focuses on vacancy rates taken on a two yearly basis to provide fine-grain written and spatially represented information on:
• The number of commercial units present in Goulburn CBD Core;
• The occupiers of each unit and any known change;
• The number of vacant units and overall vacancy rate, and
• Heritage item vacancy rates.
The Health Check provides a snapshot in time with information correct on the survey date. The CBD core is a dynamic and changing commercial landscape with occupants in commercial units regularly establishing, vacating, and relocating. The Health Check in future years aims to capture these changes on a biannual basis.
A copy of the adopted study, Council Meeting Business Paper and Council Meeting Minutes can be found below:
Council Meeting Business Paper(PDF, 940KB)
Council Meeting Business Paper Enclosure (Adopted CBD Health Check)(PDF, 7MB)
Council Meeting Minutes(PDF, 653KB)
Community Strategic Plan
The Goulburn Mulwaree Community Strategic Plan can be found under Integrated Planning & Reporting (IPR)
Disability Inclusion Action Plan
Council is required to undertake disability inclusion action planning under the NSW Disability Inclusion Act 2014.
The Disability Inclusion Action Plan encompasses four key focus areas:
- Developing positive attitudes and behaviours in our community;
- Creating communities that are nice for people to live in;
- Helping people find good jobs and work they like doing; and
- Having good ways of doing things that will help people use our services.
GMC Disability Inclusion Action Plan 2021-2026
Employment Land Strategy
HillPDA were engaged by Goulburn Mulwaree Council to prepare a strategy informing Council and stakeholders on how to best support existing employment lands and identify new opportunities for encouraging employment business development through land use and infrastructure planning.
The resulting Employment Land Strategy provides the following:
- An assessment of the availability and demand for employment lands.
- Consideration of the drivers for economic growth and emerging industries.
- Recommendations to amend the Goulburn Mulwaree Local Environmental Plan 2009.
- Integrating the planning analysis and recommendations to support the economic development/marketing activities of Council, in particular to future industries and employers.
The Employment Land Strategy was adopted by Council on 20 December 2016.
Employment Land Strategy Click Here(PDF, 5MB)
Employment Land Strategy - Background Report Click Here(PDF, 5MB)
Employment Land Strategy - Public Exhibition Outcomes Report Click Here(PDF, 469KB)
Contact Details
Strategic Planning
Phone: 02 4823 4434
Rural Living Handbook
The Rural Living Handbook is targeted at residents living on the land in Goulburn Mulwaree. It informs land owners of the many resources available to them, as well as the requirements and responsibilities of living on the land.
Rural Living Handbook - updated 2017 Click Here(PDF, 18MB)
Rural Living Handbook 2007-2009 Click Here(PDF, 2MB)
Social Sustainability Strategy and Action Plan
Cred Consulting were engaged by Goulburn Mulwaree Council to prepare a strategy to guide Council, stakeholders and the community on how to achieve social sustainability. Social sustainability is underpinned by the idea that understanding and addressing the needs of the most disadvantaged in our community benefits everyone. By placing people’s wellbeing at the heart of our planning and decision making, we can work to support and create a community that is informed, confident and able to participate in civic life and has a strong sense of hope for future generations.
There are three strategies with associated actions which are identified for our community:
- We will continue to build the skills and capacity of our community.
- We will strengthen bonds between community members and community groups.
- We will improve health and wellbeing for all in the community.
The Social Sustainability Strategy and Action Plan was adopted by Council on the 19 May 2020.
Social Sustainability Strategy and Action Plan Click Here(PDF, 9MB)
Background Report Click Here(PDF, 15MB)
Engagement Report Click Here(PDF, 9MB)
Southern Tablelands Regional Economic Development Strategy
The Southern Tablelands Regional Economic Development Strategy 2018–2022 sets out a long term economic vision and associated strategy for the three (3) local government areas of Goulburn Mulwaree, Upper Lachlan Shire and Yass Valley.
The 2023 REDS Update provides an updated evidence base to guide governments in making policy and investment decisions to enhance resilience and drive sustainable, long-term economic growth in regional NSW.
Southern Tablelands Regional Economic Development Plan 2018 Click Here(PDF, 6MB)
Southern Tablelands Regional Economic Development Plan 2023 Update Click Here(PDF, 6MB)
Southern Tablelands REDS Supporting Analysis Click Here(PDF, 19MB)
Transport Freight and Logistics Research Paper
The Transport Freight and Logistics Research Paper was prepared GHD and adopted by Council on 2 October 2018. The purpose of the paper was to identify whether or not Goulburn Mulwaree is positioned to support the growth of the Transport, Freight and Logistics Industry, in accordance with a recommendation from the Employment Land Strategy.
The paper did find that Goulburn did have a locational advantage for the development of the rail freight industry. However Council ultimately concluded that the only financially viable option for supporting the future growth of the industry would be to simply move forward in delivering the other recommendations of the Employment Land Strategy.
Transport Freight and Logistics Research Paper Click Here(PDF, 1MB)
Goulburn Mulwaree Council Organisational Development Plan
This document has been developed in conjunction with both Elected Members and employees and will provide for our organisation the foundations of an improvement journey over the next three years and beyond.
Goulburn Mulwaree Council is an organisation that can be exceptional provided we strive for continuous improvement in our service delivery to all stakeholders. It is important to note that we have experienced and committed people with good assets and a sound financial position, that represent a strong foundation to build upon.
The initiatives outlined in this report, once achieved, will significantly improve the organisation and our ability to service the community.
To view the Organisational Development Plan click here.(PDF, 530KB)
2023 Goulburn Mulwaree Council Advocacy Plan
The 2023 Goulburn Mulwaree Council Advocacy Plan consists of six key points which Council is seeking support from all parties and independents associated with the State Government Election, the key points are:
- Transport Infrastructure Funding
- Goulburn Mulwaree – A No “Waste to Energy” LGA
- Supporting a Sustainable Motorsport Industry
- Housing – Social, Affordable and Affordability
- Marulan Growth and Infrastructure
- Planning Process Simplification
This document will be used so that candidates from all parties understand the key issues for the Goulburn Mulwaree region
You can download the plan here: Advocacy Plan GMC Adopted 31 January 2023.pdf(PDF, 2MB)
2023 - 2026 Priority Projects
Goulburn Mulwaree Council has prepared the 2023-2026 Priority Projects Plan on behalf of the community. Council has developed a plan that reflects the needs of our community and highlights the importance of each individual project.
The top six Council priority projects for 2023-2026 are listed in the Plan as:
1. Road Infrastructure
2. Run-O-Waters Second Access
3. Marulan Master Planning
4. Waterway Improvement
5. Goulburn Regional Museum and Archive Facility
6. Community Centre
7. Goulburn Rail Trail
This document will assist in establishing a rolling advocacy plan to ensure Council is addressing issues that affect the region.
You can download the Projects here: Priority Projects 2023-2026.pdf(PDF, 3MB)
Community Engagement Strategy
The Community Engagement Strategy demonstrates Council’s commitment to actively engage in the local community; it also sets out Council’s approach by identifying a set of principles that shape how it effectively engages.
You can download a copy of the Strategy here.(PDF, 212KB)
Goulburn Mulwaree Strategy 2020 (Superseded)
The Goulburn Mulwaree Strategy 2020 was prepared by Parsons Brinckerhoff and was adopted by Council on 20 February 2009. This strategy largely informed the creation of the original Goulburn Mulwaree Development Control Plan 2009, Goulburn Mulwaree Section 94 Development Contributions Plan 2009, and the Section 94A Levy Development Contributions Plan 2009. All of these plans have since been amended over the following years either as the need arose or as a result of subsequent strategies or plans. The Goulburn Mulwaree Strategy 2020 has also been superseded by the Local Strategic Planning Statement adopted in 2020.
The Goulburn Mulwaree Strategy 2020 is available below:
Goulburn Mulwaree Strategy 2020 Click Here(PDF, 2MB)
Goulburn Mulwaree Council Reflect Reconciliation Action Plan
Goulburn Mulwaree Council is proud to announce the establishment of a Reflect - Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) as part of its commitment to advancing reconciliation in our local area.
A Reflect RAP, provides time to build relationships, listen to the community and establish solid foundations for growth and increasing ambition. The scope for a Reflect RAP is as follows:
- Reflect RAPs are for 12 months and are right if your organisation is new to reconciliation and unsure how to get started.
- They set out steps to prepare your organisation for reconciliation initiatives in future RAPs.
- Committing to a Reflect RAP means scoping and developing relationships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander stakeholders, deciding on your vision for reconciliation and exploring your sphere of influence.
To view the Reflect - Reconciliation Action Plan click here.(PDF, 1MB)
Regional Drought Resilience Plan
In December 2023, the Goulburn Mulwaree and Wingecarribee Shire Councils received grant funding to develop a Regional Drought Resilience Plan aimed at helping the regions better prepare for future droughts. This initiative, funded by Round Two of the Future Drought Fund's Regional Drought Resilience Planning Program, was a collaboration between the Australian and NSW Governments. The plan, which identifies strategies to enhance drought resilience, was created with input from local communities, businesses, and agencies. After receiving endorsement from the CSIRO and both governments in January 2025, further consultations are underway to implement the plan, with funding applications for related projects expected soon.
To view the Regional Drought Resilience Plan please click here.(PDF, 13MB)
The ACT and NSW Governments and the Canberra Region Joint Organisation (CRJO) are proud to present the Canberra Region Economic Development Strategy – A Prospectus for Collaboration.
The development of the Canberra Region Economic Development Strategy (CREDS) is a key priority in the ACT-NSW Memorandum of Understanding on Regional Collaboration signed by the ACT and NSW Governments in June 2020, and the CRJO Statement of Strategic Priorities signed in 2019.
Canberra Region Economic Development Strategy(PDF, 8MB)
Goulburn Mulwaree Council, as member of the Statewide Mutual Liability Scheme (Statewide Mutual) selected to participate in the Climate Change Risk Assessment program offered to member Councils as part of its 18/19 series of funded initiatives.
Goulburn Mulwaree Council originally participated in the programme during 2010 and developed the original Climate Change Risk Assessment and Adaptation Planning. This year Council sought to conduct a review of the original assessment in light of updated data and initiatives undertaken subsequent to the original study. Goulburn Mulwaree Council (GMC) understands the impact that Climate Change can potentially have on Council operations and the importance of not only understanding the risks associated but proactively develop and implement initiatives that will help Council to adapt to these potential changes. As such undertook to take this process further and developed new initiatives aimed to create resilience within Council through effective adaptation.
Climate Change Assessment and Adaption Planning Report(PDF, 1MB)
Council adopted its Pedestrian Access and Mobility Plan (PAMP) and Shared Path Strategy for Goulburn Mulwaree on 9 April 2024. Copies of the Council Business Papers and Meeting Minutes (with the resolution) can be found here. The Strategy guides the prioritisation of investment in active transport projects across Goulburn, Marulan, Tarago, Tallong, Towrang and Bungonia.
Goulburn-Mulwaree-PAMP-and-SPS-Draft-Report-final-June-2024.pdf(PDF, 89MB)